Caribbean Beach Boardwalk Caribbean Island Sailboat Boat Dock Waterfall Caribbean Anchorage
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It takes a lot of time, money, and energy to keep this site running and updated. If you have the means, please think about donating to keep this site running with the most current information. Any support would be much appreciated.


We appreciate your feedback!! Please let us know what you think of our website. Any suggestions on things we could add would be great.

Previous Comments

02/07/2025   Guest

Greetings, my dear friend. It's a joy to cross paths with you. I found your site to be a fantastic blend of creativity and valuable information, particularly the sections that encourage reader interaction. It's exciting to see how you engage with your audience and make learning enjoyable. I'm grateful for the opportunity to provide feedback and I encourage you to keep creating content that resonates with others as you do it brilliantly Keep being awesome

12/19/2024   Guest

I’m not that muc of a internet reader to be honest but your blogs reaslly nice, keep it up! I'll go ahead aand bookmark your website too come back later. All the best 개인회생대출자격

06/21/2024   beldi12345

What a great site I will be using this site quite often

Reply From: Administrator

Thanks!! I am glad you are enjoying the website.

06/09/2024   Guest

Good Job , thanks for putting all this info on one site . Pls add Sailing Jibsea. Thank you.

Reply From: Administrator

I have been working on a massive upgrade to the feature set of the website so I haven't been adding many new channels lately, but I will work on getting Sailing Jibsea live on the site as soon as possible.

02/28/2024   Guest

A wealth of info, top job

Reply From: Administrator

Thank You!!

10/06/2023   Guest

Great Job , love it . Sailing into freedom got ew crew . Thanks .

Reply From: Administrator

I haven't had time to watch the episode yet. The update will be coming soon.

10/01/2023   Guest

Stupendous website . Good work , great job . Really appreciate this site . Thanks .

Reply From: Administrator

Thanks, I am glad you like the site.

10/01/2023   Guest

Great website . Thanks for taking the time to have this site like this and keep it running . Thank you .

10/01/2023   Guest

Great Job , love it . Thank you so much .

09/05/2023   Guest

Sailing Tela Ru

Reply From: Administrator

Sailing Tela Ru has been added... Thank you for the suggestion.

06/06/2023   Guest

I can't believe you have so many channels on your site.

Reply From: Administrator

There are lots more to come...

05/16/2023   Guest

I really love this website!

Reply From: Administrator

Thank you so much...

05/14/2023   Guest

Amazing Website !!!

Reply From: Administrator

Thank you... It's been fun building the site !!

Channel Listing
Recently Added
Channel Suggestions

If you don't see your favorite channels listed on this site, please let us know which ones we missed below and we will look into adding them.

For the Creators

If you are a creator and your channel is not listed here, and you would like it to be, please click the "Add" button below and send us your channel information. If we have made an error in your channel details or you would like us to include more of your social media links, please click the "Update" button and tell us what needs correction or what you would like added to your channel.

Channels Coming Soon
A Sailboat Named Roxy
Abril and Ryan Sailing Argo
ADKON Adventures
Adventure Adrift
Adventureman Dan
Adventures of an old Seadog
Adventures of Sprout
Alba Sailing
Alivo Sailing
All About Spray
All The Stars Sailing
Allison & James
Alluring Arctic Sailing
Amy’s Solo Sailing Adventures
Ann-Elin Synnes
Another Adventure
Another Way of Life
Apparent Winds Expedition
Aron & Janet Sailing
At Sea with Linda Lee
Barefoot Doctors Sailing
Barefoot Travels
Beau and Brandy Sailing
Bryan Sailing
Cap'n Pat Adventures
Carl and Jenny
Catamaran Impi
Chase the Story
Chasing Currents
Chasing Grace
Chicama Sailing
Christian Williams
Cruising Maya
Cruising Meraki • Sailing Family
Day Dreams
Delfino Discovers
Dion Watchorn
DIY Nautical Dream
Donna Sailing
Dutch Sailing Family
Emily Ribas
Erik Aanderaa
Eve and Joel
Fair Winds Empty Roads
Feel the Breeze family
Finding Cloud
Flight Level Zero
Follow Intrepid Bear
Folsom Ocean Views
Four Sheets To The Wind
Freeman Bound
Fun On Holiday Sailing
GG boatlife
GnT Sailing
Going With The Flo
Good Jibes Only
Growing SeeWeed. Building Our Dream Home
Harbors Unknown
Heart Knot Life Sailing
Hippo & Albatross
How to Sail Oceans
I Would Say Go
Jadyn Morse
jennifer thiel
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Kindred Courage
Knot Vanilla
Lady K Sailing
Lahakai Sailing
Later Than We Think
Leave to Roam
Let Go Lets Go
Let's Dance Sailing
Let's go sailing Tilda
Lexi Kaleiia
Life Beyond Land: The Journey of SV Endl
Life in Waterworld
Lifering Adventures
Living Hakuna
Loomis Family Adventures
Lori & Dave’s Sailing Adventures
Lyfe Untethered
Mandi The Traveler
Manu & Max
Memorable Boat Ride
Monday Never
Nauti Nook Sailing Adventures
Navika Sailing
Now Here
Now or Never Adventures
Ocean People Sailing
Offshore Esprit
Once Upon A Reef
Patrick Laine
Perle III
Permanent Vacation
Practical Dreams
Rendezvous With The Ramey Family
Rick & Anna Sailing
Run Wild Sailing
RVing Life Now - Not Sailing Brick House
S/V Blown Away
S/V Ruby & the adventures of Capt Bill..
Sail Cloudy Bay
Sail Our World
Sail Stillwater
Sailboat Story
Sailing AGH
Sailing Alanouwoly
Sailing Alma
Sailing Alucine
Sailing Amari
Sailing And Fun
Sailing Anne-Mon
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
Sailing Atlas
Sailing Aurora
Sailing Avanti
Sailing AWEN
Sailing Balachandra
Sailing Banana Pancakes
Sailing Bato
Sailing BC
Sailing Beaver
Sailing Bik
Sailing Blackbird
Sailing Breezy Baby
Sailing Britaly
Sailing Bye Felicia
Sailing CAVU
Sailing Current Toy
Sailing Dauntless
Sailing Discovery Passage
Sailing Emerald Steel
Sailing Eremia
Sailing Eternal Tides
Sailing Excelsior
Sailing Fair Isle
Sailing Free Spirit
Sailing Gargoyle
Sailing Garuda
Sailing Gemini
Sailing Gemma
Sailing Girl
Sailing Gizmo
Sailing Haldis
Sailing Hangtime
Sailing Helios
Sailing Hiraeth
Sailing Hjem
Sailing Horus
Sailing Indiana
Sailing Inspire
Sailing Intermission
Sailing Into Oblivion
Sailing into the Mystic
Sailing Intuition
Sailing Jaygo
Sailing Joa
Sailing Joy
Sailing Kaizen
Sailing KALLI
Sailing Kawai
Sailing Kelpie
Sailing Key Lime Pie
Sailing Kittiwake
Sailing La Paloma
Sailing Lady Aquitaine
Sailing LAttitude
Sailing Learning By Doing
Sailing Lohan
Sailing Loon
Sailing Luckyfish
Sailing Makai
Sailing Make My Day
Sailing Marmoris
Sailing Melody
Sailing Mirage
Sailing Mischief
Sailing Naivasha
Sailing Nakaiy
Sailing Nehan
Sailing New Horizons
Sailing Nikau
Sailing No Regrets
Sailing NOHMA
Sailing Nomad Citizen
Sailing Norla
Sailing NV
Sailing on a Budget
Sailing on a Shoestring
Sailing On Finding Avalon
Sailing on Paradise
Sailing Onward
Sailing ORIYO
Sailing Pacific Star
Sailing Paradise Falls
Sailing Pink Flamingo
Sailing Popao - Underwater Ally Producti
Sailing Post Time
Sailing Prosperity
Sailing Pu’uhonua
Sailing PYTISS
Sailing Queen Jane: That Crazy Boat Trip
Sailing Ragdoll
Sailing Ramona
Sailing Rebel Star
Sailing Red Seas
Sailing Remission
Sailing REWILD
Sailing Ripple Effect
Sailing Roam
Sailing Romantic Comedy
Sailing Rose Marie
Sailing Sareda
Sailing Satori
Sailing Seagle
Sailing Seatramp
Sailing SeaYou
Sailing Second Star
Sailing Selkie
Sailing Sisu
Sailing Sojourner
Sailing Solé
Sailing Solice
Sailing Sphynx
Sailing Spock
Sailing Stardate
Sailing Starship Friendship
Sailing Summer Wind
Sailing SV Bora Bora
Sailing SV Cabo
Sailing Sv Cassius Around The World
sailing sv goat
Sailing SV Happy Together
Sailing SV Huntress
Sailing SV Indigo
Sailing SV Lynx
Sailing SV Remy
Sailing SY Serenade
Sailing Take It Easy
Sailing Taku
Sailing Talia
Sailing Te Tāiko
Sailing Tengai
Sailing The Atlas
Sailing The Space Between
Sailing Tootsie Marie
Sailing Tova
Sailing Tranquilo
Sailing Uncut
Sailing Until Valhalla
Sailing Vessel Prism
Sailing Vinyasa
Sailing While One
Sailing Wicked
Sailing Wild Honey
Sailing Wild Raven
Sailing Wind Therapy
Sailing With Jacq
Sailing with Lucy
Sailing with six
Sailing with the James’s
Sailing with Thomas
Sailing Yacht Talisman
sailing ZERO
Sailing Zola
Salty Escape
Salty Sings
SaltyJocks Adventure Co
Sam Holmes Sailing
Sappho At Sea
Sea Sondering
searching for coconuts
Second Wind Adventures
see the little things
Seth and Jordan
She Sails Solo
Single Tack
Solo sailing around the world
Somewhere New
Summer And That Guy Sailing
SV Blue Latitudes
SV Bombadil
SV Happy Place
SV Impavidus
SV Ramble On
SV Running Free
SV The Crooked Anchor
SV Tranquillity
SV Yarreh
SVTawaki - Christina and Simon
SY Carla
Taking The Chance Sailing
The Adventures of Tarka
The Cruising Kiwis
The Duracell Project
The Foster Journey
The Great Escape
The Incompetent Crew
The Making of Marram
The Mer & The Man
The Meri Crew
The O'Kelly's
The Responsible Choice
The Sailing Adventures of Brilliant II
The Siren's Log
The Vanabond Tales
Thula Sailing
Tidal Trekkers
Tide and Tribe
Tipsyy Nomads
Trails and Sails
Travel Sketch
Trimaran Spirit XL
Tuck & Lynniebin’s Sailing Adventures
Turtle Crossing - Sailing
Two the Horizon Sailing
Unforgettable Sailing
Unrille Adventures
Vet Tails' Sailing Chuffed
Walde Sailing
Wayward Life Sailing
We Bought a Boat
When Sailing
Wilderness of Waves
Wildling Sailing
Wilds and Water Sailing
Wind, Sails, and Dog tails
Yard 2 Yacht
helm compass About This Website anchor sailboat

This website was built for the viewers of YouTube sailing channels and the creators who make the content. An informative place where infomation on as many channels as possible can be shared. A place for like minded people to communicate and colaborate. Become a member and enjoy the features of the website. Membership is free, but any donations would be greatly appreciated.

Members Page - This page for our memebers contains your favorite channel selections, latest news and video upload from your favorites list, your bulletin board posts, and channel reviews you have submitted.

Latest News - For the latest on what's happening in the YouTube sailing world, check out the news page. New and departing crew members, Engagements, Marriages, Pregnancies, Births, New Boats, Passage Completions, Location Changes, it's all on the news page.

Bulletin Board - Post questions you might have or insights you think others might find interesting. Members can comment on posts and reply to comments on the bulleting board.

Channel Reviews - This page has the latest channel reviews from our members. Get a unique and personal insight into the channels from their perspective. Become a member and submit reivews for your favorite channels.

Message Center - Communicate with other members, this text style messaging system can be used to have private conversaions with other members on the website.

Leader Boards - If you are interested in who's on top, our leader boards have the top 20 channels in lots of categories including subscribers, videos produced, views, years running, viewer votes, crew count, and much more.

Channel Filter - Narrow the channels down by status, crew type, episode frequency, content, current location, ocean crossings, cruising grounds, boat type and make, and the channels country of origin. Find the channels with content you want to watch.

Passages  /  Destinations  /  On The Hard - These pages have categorized links to playlists for channels who have made ocean crossings, been to interesting destinations, or hauled out to do maintenance and refits.

I hope this website is helpful and informative, and if it has helped you find your favorite channel, please leave a comment and let us know.

*** New Channels & Features Added Monthly ***

Viewer Votes - Top 10
Sailing SV CUBA
Lauren Landers
Sailing Zingaro
Calico Skies Sailing
Sailing SV Delos
Sailing Tela Ru
Sailing Arta
Spear It Animal
Sail with Ben and Amy
Katrina - SAILING into FREEDOM
Margarida - SAILING into FREEDOM
Stafania - SAILING into FREEDOM
Freedom - SAILING into FREEDOM
Long Reef - SAILING into FREEDOM
Cuba - Sailing SV CUBA
Soul de La Mar - Lauren Landers
Zingaro II - Sailing Zingaro
Calico Skies - Calico Skies Sailing
Tela Ru - Sailing Tela Ru
Unknown Name - SAILING into FREEDOM
Jupiter - Sailing Life on Jupiter
Zingaro - Sailing Zingaro
Must Watch Channels

These channels are the highest rated channels and have a litle bit of something for everyone.

New Channels in the anchorage

It's always good to give new channels a chance. Some of them may really surprise you. Some channels take a while to get the hang of filming, editing, and how to put an episode together. New channels really need your support and encouragement while they work through all the struggles of becoming a YouTuber. Give some of these channels a try.

Featured Channels by Content
Featured World Cruising

These channels have traveled the globe. If you are looking for a channel that has been almost everywhere, and sailed thousands of nautical miles, look no further.

Featured Boat Building

If you are into watching the process from the beginning, the boat builders channels will take you on the journey from day one.

Featured Boat Refitting

I love watching a channel turn an old boat into something amazing. If that interests you, these channels are your type of content.